Apex Hospitals has a 24hrs casualty department that attends to any emergency. Equipped to cope up with emergency of any kind, the department has the state of the art acute medical care unit to handle emergencies round the clock and presence of surgeons to handle the trauma cases.
Tertiary trauma centre with a trauma team, including neurosurgery, orthopedics, general surgery and anesthesiology
Emergency operation theatre, trauma bay, transit ward, a pneumatic system for blood investigation, and for cardiac arrest patients CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
Ventilators, cardiac monitors, defibrillator and all the emergency equipments and drugs required to handle every emergency.
Mobile X-Ray unit, an ultra sonogram.
The hospital offers 24/7 ambulance services.
Zero-infection environment.
24-hour pharmacy
Request Ambulance
Request for the ambulance can be made on the following numbers:
1. Apex Hospitals: 91-22-4245 7000
2. Apex Superspeciality Hospital: 91-22-2898 6677/46/47/48
2. Apex Multispeciality Hospital: 91-22-2870 3375/6/7/8
**Condition Apply